Table Leaf storage
Make traditions
Picture this. The air is filled with lively conversations. Relatives from far and wide congregate to celebrate the holidays. Ladies work in the kitchen to prepare a meal worthy of kings, while the men argue whether the refs made a fair call. Whatever the tradition in your family household, one thing is crucial. Having a table capable of seating everyone. Not only that, but also having table leaves to ensure each person will have a place to set their plate.
Where to storage table leaves
Now, it is common knowledge to those who own extensions tables that storage for these wooden leaves is a necessity. Many resort to slipping them beneath beds or stuffing them into cramped closets, but for solid hardwood leaves, these conditions are not ideal. What is more uncommon knowledge is that wooden boards need to breath, sort of like living creatures do, but not in the same capacity. People and animals breath air to oxygenate their blood and keep their body functioning. Wooden leaves, on the other hand, breath to regulate their moisture levels and prevent mold from setting into the grain. As an added layer of protection against excess moisture, we always coat both sides of the leave with a catalyzed conversion varnish. Furthermore, leaves should be stored upright to prevent bowing and warping from gravity’s pull. You may be thinking, no-where in my house would meet those parameters. Should you simply give up and compromise with the previously explained methods? Luckily for you, we’ve already come up with the solution so you don’t have to.
Table leaf storage solution
In the early stages of extension table development, the issue of leaf storage quickly rose to the forefront of our minds. We knew the methods people had employed in the past. Some manufacturers even built storage areas within the table itself, but that kind of storage is limited. Instead, we took what we knew about proper leaf care and, after testing different prototypes, landed on a revolutionary piece of furniture so unique that it created a category of its own. The leaf storage. We designed this new piece of furniture to meet every requirement set in front of us. The leaf storage is built with grooves at the top and bottom to hold the boards in a vertical position and space them out an inch apart to allow air to flow freely. Where might you put these storage boxes, you may ask? Well, we have three designs, each one tailored to fit the needs of your household.
Georges leaf storage options

- Our standard design is a Finished Leaf Storage with solid panels on each side. The front and back are left open so you can show your beautiful leaves off to your friends even when not in use
- Perhaps you don’t favor seeing your tables leaves twenty-four seven and would rather have a piece of furniture that fits in perfectly with your buffet, server, or hutch? That’s where our Deluxe Leaf Storage Cabinet comes into play. Aside from its fancier design, it incorporates a wooden raised panel door that hides your leaves for a clean, organized look.
- No room in your dining room for a deluxe leaf storage cabinet or finished leaf storage, we’ve got you covered. At no extra charge, we’ll send an unfinished leaf storage frame along with your table set purchase that functions identically to the previous two, but is meant to be kept hidden from sight.
As you are pondering your next table with leaves purchase, always remember the importance of proper leaf storage to maintain them for generations to come. It’s quite simple. Our solution for leaf storage will relieve your mind as you relax knowing your leaves are receiving the best treatment possible. Whatever design you choose, you’re certain to love your new piece of furniture.